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Welcome to my blog: living with a visual impairment after a non-traumatic brain injury

Andy en Nino in het park van Woluwe. Ze zitten samen op het gras, naast een vijver met eendjes. Nino kijkt naar eendjes...…
Andy en Nino in Woluwe Park, Brussels, 2019

In 2017 I had a stroke. A part of my brain died off and as a result I’ve been left with a visual impairment (CVI).
Feel free to look around and read about my recovery so far. It has been sometimes funny, mostly strange, but always frustrating. And, six years later, it’s still not finished!
Everything on this website was originally written in Dutch, the language of the northern part of Belgium, the country in which I have lived more than half of my life.

For over 25 years I worked as a teacher in Flemish (Belgian Dutch) schools, though I grew up in the UK speaking English. After my stroke I went into hospital and then on to rehab in a completely Flemish environment. It was natural that when I began writing again it was in that language.

Please bear in mind that the English version of this website is just a quick translation I’ve made of the Dutch one. It’s not the best translation ever, but I’m concentrating on Dutch content for now. There is very little easily accessible information available about CV I on the internet, and not much more about non-traumatic brain injuries. That’s the case in English, but it’s much more so for other languages, including Dutch.

You can start the story here

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